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History Taking Machine

History Taking Machine

History Taking Machine

Click on the check box and see the magic

By Sabyasachi Pramanik

The patient has:

Put Your input in input Boxes below which will appear after checking the box above

Mr/Mrs,_______, _______years old (age) _______ (gender) presenting with _______ (type of pain, e.g., sharp, dull, burning) in the _______ (location) since _______ (onset time). The pain started _______ (time frame) and has been _______ (progression, e.g., constant, intermittent). The pain is aggravated by _______ (factors that worsen pain) and relieved by _______ (factors that relieve pain). Associated symptoms include _______ (any related symptoms, e.g., nausea, numbness). No history of _______ (pertinent negatives, e.g., trauma, fever).
Mr/Mrs,_______, _______years old _______ (gender) presenting with shortness of breath (SOB) since _______ (onset time). The SOB started _______ (time frame) and has been _______ (progression, e.g., gradual, sudden). It is _______ (severity, e.g., mild, moderate, severe). The SOB is aggravated by _______ (factors that worsen SOB) and relieved by _______ (factors that relieve SOB). The patient reports _______ (associated symptoms, e.g., chest pain, cough, wheezing). There is no history of _______ (petinent negatives, e.g., fever, recent travel).
Mr/Mrs,_______, _______years old _______ (gender) presenting with vomiting since _______ (onset time). The vomiting started _______ (time frame) and has been _______ (progression, e.g., intermittent, persistent). The vomitus is _______ (description of vomit, e.g., food, bile, blood) and occurs _______ (frequency, e.g., once, multiple times a day). It is aggravated by _______ (factors that worsen vomiting) and relieved by _______ (factors that relieve vomiting). Associated symptoms include _______ (e.g., nausea, abdominal pain, dizziness). No history of _______ (pertinent negatives, e.g., recent illness, trauma).
Mr/Mrs,_______, _______years old _______ (gender) presenting with fever since _______ (onset time). The fever started _______ (time frame) and has been _______ (progression, e.g., intermittent, continuous). The highest recorded temperature is _______ (e.g., 101°F). The fever is associated with _______ (symptoms, e.g., chills, sweating, body aches). It is aggravated by _______ (factors, if any) and relieved by _______ (e.g., antipyretics, rest). No history of _______ (pertinent negatives, e.g., rash, travel, recent sick contacts).
Mr/Mrs,_______, _______years old _______ (gender) presenting with abdominal distension since _______ (onset time). The distension started _______ (time frame) and has been _______ (progression, e.g., gradual, sudden). The distension is _______ (description, e.g., mild, moderate, severe) and is associated with _______ (symptoms, e.g., bloating, pain, nausea). The distension is aggravated by _______ (factors that worsen distension) and relieved by _______ (factors that relieve distension). Associated symptoms include _______ (e.g., change in bowel movements, vomiting, flatulence). No history of _______ (pertinent negatives, e.g., trauma, fever).


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